While age is just a number, it can be the driver for some common elderly health issues. The number of Americans 65 and older is projected to double from 46 million to over 98 million by 2060.

As we provide care for our parents and other loved ones, here are a few of the common ailments they may face.

Elderly Health Issues to Watch Out For

Chronic Ailments – Chronic disease can become increasingly common as we age. It becomes increasingly difficult to avoid cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and other illness. A healthy diet and a regular exercise routine can help.

Falls – The risk of falls that require emergency room care greatly increases as we age. More than 2 million people are treated in emergency rooms across the country annually for fall-related injuries. Tripping hazards can be a common cause. Mobility aids may help prevent falls and keep the 65 and overpopulation healthy.

Obesity – The math behind this is pretty clear. When you carry more weight, your risk for disease increases as well. Exercise and diet can help seniors maintain a healthier body type and lifestyle. Simply taking a few short walks can have a tremendous impact on the body. Obesity can impact many of these other elderly health issues.

Mental Health – Depression can be a common ailment among the 65 and older population. This makes sense when feelings of isolation and a sedentary lifestyle can be strong drivers when it comes to mental health.

Oral Health – Overall wellness can often be tied to oral health. Gum disease and other ailments can lead to more serious health conditions. For instance, there are studies that link gum disease with chronic illness such as rheumatoid arthritis. Cavities and tooth decay can make it challenging to maintain a healthy diet.

As you care for parents and loved ones, it’s important to watch for these elderly health issues. You can get help in the process. If you or someone you know needs a wheelchair ramp or stairlift, contact us today!